This article honestly based on my experienced as a student who have been
through 5 semester in the English education department in UIN Ar-Raniry, in my
English education department we often do the discussion groups when we in the
classroom, with the lecturer as a guiders, we discussed on material based on
what we learn, as a prospective teacher in the future of English language we
learn lot of how to teach the people about all the thing to improve their
English language ability as a foreigner.
But to understand all the materials that taught by the lecturer we
might not able to do it, because we still need lot of improvement in our
ability to mastered this language, this actually what I have been experienced and
this is what I feel, honestly I’m little bit disappointed by the lecturer
teaching style who make us to settled in a groups and then discussed the
materials together, I’m not saying this is the bad way to teach the student,
this is obviously the great way to learn, but in some point we also lost in
communication with another member, perhaps they assume us as the dumb person
individually, or probably they have reads lot of books and they think they are
more clever then another students.
What I’m thinking is we are still a learners, we still need lot of
information to improve our ability, we still need a guidance from our lecturer
to learn, so there is no point to assume that we are more clever than another
students in the classroom, we need to communicate each other, in case that we
settled as a groups, and if we just discussed with less of member in that
little groups and ignore another member, so what the point of making a groups?
Even though the another member of our groups is truly an idiot person,
we have no right to make a conclusion that those person can’t do anything,
because we know that nobody is really stupid of what they are, they also have
their own ability to think and to do of what they do best, although they not
able to think, so ask them to take a notes or to write down the materials, we
might need it in case we have to perform our discussion in front of the class.
As the students we must communicate with each other, because we are also the humans which is the social beings that need another person to do the living, we can’t stand together as an individual, and of course in Islam we also taught to help each other in goodness, like stated in Al-Maidah, which have the meaning :
As the students we must communicate with each other, because we are also the humans which is the social beings that need another person to do the living, we can’t stand together as an individual, and of course in Islam we also taught to help each other in goodness, like stated in Al-Maidah, which have the meaning :
…And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do
not cooperate in sin and aggression. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is severe
in penalty. (Q.S Al-Maidah: 2)
So, that means we must help each other in learning but not in cheating,
so to conclude all those statement, I would like to say that there is no need
to be proud of what you’ve learn, because lot of people have also learn it
before and they much better than yours, and also there is no need to assume
that another students don’t have any ability to do, because we still a learners
and together we can learn more effectively.
Mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan grammar
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